Episode 12, July 17, 2020

Push the Play Button to listen to Episode 12 of The Web Radio Today Podcast

Skip Orem hosts EPISODE 12 of the Web Radio Today Podcast

Recorded at Skip’s Voice Over Studio Nolensville, TN

Bible Verses Cited (Romans 12.2, Proverbs 15:22)


Skip Orem (00:16):

It’s Friday and time for Web Radio Today. Hi everybody, I’m Skip Orem and Welcome to episode 12, the July 17th episode of the Web Radio Today podcast. I’m recording the podcast today at the Skips Voice home studio here in the Quaint, Little Nashville, suburban town of Nolensville, Tennessee. And thank you so much everybody for pushing that play button. The bulk of today’s episode will be about heart rate training, that’s part of the exercise element of the Web Radio Today, disease fighting and fitness model. And as part of that discussion today, we’re going to have a little longer than usual mini workout. Because the mini workout today is going to be an interval training mini workout, more about that mini workout, a little later in the podcast. I received some emails this week from listeners in reaction to the, cancer loves sugar article, that I mentioned on our last show and I linked to it in the show notes.

Skip Orem (01:42):

The overall reaction was to thank me for mentioning the article and for linking to it. But most folks agreed that they always knew this, but that the article really brought to their attention, the need to watch, control and manage their sugar intake. I know that I am now daily measuring and tracking how much sugar I eat, trying to keep the amount of sugar in my diet just as low as I can. Like all of you, I want to stay healthy, prevent disease, and certainly keep this cancer from coming back. Speaking of keeping this cancer from coming back and on a personal note, my prostate cancer, which was removed earlier this year with robotic surgery, was very successful. My current PSA test shows no cancer remaining. However, there is one more procedure that I can elect to do, which will, well, it will further increase my odds of the prostate cancer not coming back.

Skip Orem (02:50):

It’s a radiation procedure called, Adjuvant Radiation Therapy. What they do with this as they carpet bomb the area where the prostate cancer was to hopefully eradicate any undetectable cancer cells, which might still exist. There are some side effects and there are differing opinions on whether this procedure is necessary. So needless to say, everybody I’m knee deep and trying to figure out my best course of action. And if you know me, you know that well, I’m also asking God’s help in guiding me into the correct course of action. God, well, He’s given us the freedom to make our own decisions, however, it’s so important that we talk with Him and ask for His guidance when making any kind of major decision. Whether it’s about healthcare, marriage, family, careers, those decisions sometimes they can be overwhelming. God will help us with our decisions. Romans 12:2 says, to be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may discern what is the will of God. When our hearts and our minds are focused on God, we become more aware of His desire for our lives.

Skip Orem (04:46):

We’re able to gain a little more insight from God to help us make those difficult decisions. I’ve been searching the Bible for any verses on help with decision making. And there are a ton of verses in the Bible that can help with decision making. But of course, we always need to be careful not to misapply verses. Here are two Bible verses that I found pretty helpful to me right now, James 1:5 says, if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given to him. And then this very important verse from Proverbs 15:22, without counsel plans fail, but with many advisors, they succeed. Those two verses give me both comfort and direction in confronting this important healthcare decision that I need to make. I talk every day with God and yes, I am consulting with many advisors, medical professionals and documentation that’s written by folks who have the

expertise that I lack. Ultimately, God’s going to lead me to a correct decision and then I’m no longer going to need to worry about it.

Skip Orem (06:19):

Confident that with God’s guidance, that I’ve taken the correct course of action. For any listeners out there with important decisions to make, look to God, look to the Bible, comfort, advice and direction are in His words. I’ll let you all know once I’ve made my final decision on my course of action for keeping this prostate cancer from coming back. We have a very full episode today, so I’m going to change the order of things just slightly. The featured song for today is going to come earlier in the podcast because after the featured song, I’m going to talk in detail about exercising and strengthening your heart and lungs, burning calories and burning fat by doing interval training, walking, running, or other movement exercises. And so the mini workout today will be one that I’ve especially designed for our listeners to help you incorporate interval training into the exercise element of the Web Radio Today, disease fighting and fitness plan. This is very important to everybody, so you’ll want to stay with us and do this mini workout today.

Skip Orem (08:02):

It will be longer than our normal many workouts, this one’s going to last 10 minutes. And then later in the podcast, tips on how to keep your health and prevent disease from starting as we deal with these extremely stressful times that we’re all going through right now. Let’s take a break right now though, and listen to the featured song for episode 12 of the Web Radio Today podcast. Let’s forget about these troubled times we’re in for a few minutes and think about the good times. Here’s Dave King, The Good Times.

Skip Orem (08:39): (song)

Skip Orem (11:14):

Dave King, The Good Times, the featured song for the July 17th, 2020 episode of Web Radio Today. The Web Radio Today, disease fighting and fitness model, it has seven elements and I’ve repeated them enough on this podcast that every regular listener can probably recite them from memory, faith, exercise, diet, attitude, positive imagery, music, and knowledge. And on these past few episodes we’ve been working on that exercise element and that element, it has two sub components, heart rate training, and strength training. And today on this episode, we are all about heart rate training. I want to, again, emphasize the importance of talking with your doctor before you start doing any of the concepts in the Web Radio Today disease fighting and fitness model. A doctor’s okay, is the first requirement, especially before doing anything with the diet and exercise elements, the best way to train your heart is to get moving. That can be walking, it could be running, dancing, could be stair stepping, cycling, spinning, whatever movement exercise you prefer to do.

Skip Orem (12:35):

The important thing is to do it at least 30 to 45 minutes a day and to do it at least five days a week. Now, last week I gave you an assignment, that assignment, it was to figure out your maximum heart rate, the formula for doing that is 220 minus your age. And then once you know your maximum heart rate, we can structure you a workout into specific heart rate training zones. Those type of workouts, they’re called interval training workouts. And you and I today on this episode of Web Radio Today, we’re going

to do a mini interval training workout, we’re going to do that workout right now. As we do the workout, I’ll coach you through the different heart rate training zones. Now, even if you don’t know your maximum heart rate yet, I can help you to get into each of the three zones that we’re going to be exercising in during this workout. The important thing is to be moving. As I said, that could be walking, running, dancing, cycling, spinning, stair stepping, whatever you want.

Skip Orem (13:46):

Let’s start by a warming up right now. I want you to start moving at a relaxing walking pace, your breathing should be easy. Actually, you should be able to very comfortably carry on a conversation at this warmup pace. You’ll probably feel like you could maintain this level of walking or moving for a long period of time. You’re not really challenging yourself yet, you’re just getting warmed up. You are in heart rate training zone one. And if you were able to measure your heart rate right now, it would be at about 50 to 60% of your maximum heart rate. As an example, if you’re 70 years old, you subtract that age from 220, and that would give you, if you’re age 70, a maximum heart rate of 150 beats per minute. Right now, as you exercise in this zone one, warming up, your heart rate would be beating at about 75 to 80 beats per minute. That’s 50 to 60% of your maximum heart rate. Keep moving and continue to warm up in heart rate zone one

Skip Orem (15:06):

In just a few seconds, we’re going to move your workout into zone two, light exercise. you’ll be expending more energy and this is where the majority of your workout will take place. As your body talks to you in zone two, you’ll feel that you could still carry on a conversation, but with some difficulty and your breathing will, well, it’ll become a little more intense and you’ll definitely be burning some calories at a higher rate. You’ll be at 60 to 70% of your maximum heart rate. Now with that example of our 70 year old, that person’s heart rate would go to around 95 to 105 beats per minute. We are going to move you from this warmup zone in the zone two for the next 90 seconds. Continue to move along in zone two. The majority of your workout would normally be done in this zone. In addition to burning calories at a higher rate exercising and this zone, it will improve your body’s ability to burn fat and help keep your heart healthy.

Skip Orem (16:44):

It’s time to kick the workout up into zone three. The intense zone, 70 to 80% of your maximum heart rate, our 70 year olds heart rate will be beating at between 105 and 120 beats per minute. You’ll need to move faster, you’ll not be able to carry on a conversation, but you, well, you should be able to sing if you want to. You’re only going to be able to stay in this zone for a short period of time. We’ll do this next interval in zone three for 15 seconds. This next zone, zone three, it’s the perfect zone for developing stamina, increasing aerobic fitness, burning calories and fat, at an intense level. Are you ready? Let’s kick your workout into the intense zone. Move faster. Okay, everybody move it back down into zone two to recover for the next 60 seconds. You’re still moving at a decent pace just not as fast as zone three. You could probably carry on a conversation now, but it might be difficult some heavy breathing, you’re still burning calories. Are you ready to go again in zone three? This time, try to stay in this zone for 30 seconds.

Skip Orem (19:22):

Bring it back down to zone two, recover the 60 seconds, and then we’ll go one more time in zone three. When we did that little spurt in zone three, were you able to continue for the entire 30 seconds? Well, if

not, I don’t want you to worry, the more you do interval training workouts, you’ll continue to increase your stamina and your aerobic fitness. Now, let’s go one more time in zone three, and we’ll do it this time again for 30 seconds. Ready? Set, go. Slow down just a bit back into zone two for the next 60 seconds. You’re continuing to burn calories and fat, this is your heart conditioning zone. The majority of any interval training workout is done in this zone exercising 60 to 70% of your maximum heart rate. All right, bring it all the way down to zone one, very light exercise. You’re breathing, it should be regular, but you’re still moving. We’re actually cooling down, getting ready to end this very brief mini workout. Everybody we’ve been doing a brief version of an interval training workout, exercising in three different heart rate training zones.

Skip Orem (22:31):

A regular interval training workout would last for about 30 to 45 minutes, warming up in zone one and then alternating between longer periods of time in zone two, and then kicking it up for brief periods of time in the more intense zone three. And then finally, at the end of the workout, cooling down in zone one, just like we’re doing right now. Your goal should be to eventually be doing this type of a workout for a minimum of five days a week for 30 to 45 minutes per day. I want to congratulate you though just doing this mini workout, you’ve strengthened your heart, you’ve burned some calories and fat. And even more good news, one of the additional benefits of interval training is that you’ll continue to burn calories at a faster rate, even as you continue on with your day. Good job, everybody. I want you to know that there are actually two levels of interval training plans that I’ve designed for our Web Radio Today listeners.

Skip Orem (23:53):

The workout that we did today was in the zone training plan A, training plan A, has three training zones and they were the three that we used in our mini workout. And that type of workout, that training plan is designed, especially for folks who are just getting started with interval training and aerobic exercise. There is a training plan B, which has four training zones and that plan I’ve designed it for folks who have a good base in aerobic exercise and heart rate training. I’ve put together a PDF file that contains all of the information about both of these zones, including the different heart rates for each zone, as well as what your body is experiencing in each of these training zones. Also, in this PDF that I put together, there’s more information about interval training in general, and I’ll put a link to the Web Radio Today, interval training PDF. That’s a document by the way, in the show notes for this episode @webradiotoday.com. Just go to webradiotoday.com click on the podcast and show notes tab, and then the episode number 12 icon there, and that will take you to the show notes page.

Skip Orem (25:16):

I realize that many of you will want to try this mini workout that we did today again. So I’m also going to put a standalone sound file @webradiotoday.com, just click on the audio burst page and you’ll be able to play or download this workout so that you can do it on your own whenever you want. Give me this weekend though, to get this information posted at webradiotoday.com. Everything should be there, the PDF on interval training and the standalone version of the mini workout. I’ll definitely have them there by Monday afternoon at the latest. At some point in the next few weeks, I’m going to create a 30 to 40 minute coached interval training workout for both plan A, and plan B, and then make those into standalone episodes of Web Radio Today. On next week’s podcast, we’ll talk just a little more about interval training and then start to move into the strength training part of the Web Radio Today exercise element.

Skip Orem (26:24):

Also, next week, I’m going to give you some information about heart rate monitors. They’re available now at different price points and they can help you more effectively measure your interval training, helping to make sure that you’re correctly exercising in each training zone. I was reading an article this week, put out by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The article was designed to give tips for cancer survivors to help them during these stressful times that we’re all going through right now. And of course it’s not just cancer survivors, it’s all of us that are going through some pretty stressful times right now. So I thought that I would share some of the tips they provided. Although this is funny, they left out the most important one, but don’t worry, I’m going to add it. The first tip to help with stress, physical activity, listeners to this podcast constantly hear me talk about how important physical activity is to improve not only your physical quality of life, but also your mental quality of life. Exercise, it’s just a great stress reducer.

Skip Orem (28:00):

The second tip, make sure that you’re sleeping right. Not getting enough sleep can lead to poor physical and mental health, try to plan for a consistent bedtime and a consistent wake up time. And this is important, keep electronics out of the bedroom. Another tip they listed, make sure that you’re listening to your body. If you notice any new or strange symptoms that have started to appear, get in contact with your doctor, keep your doctor informed about what’s going on with your body. Here’s an important tip, stay connected. Find ways to keep in contact with friends and especially family, if you can’t do it in person, reach out by phone, personal contact with friends and family, it’s just so important to your mental wellbeing. Pretty good tips, right? Well, they left out the most important thing.

Skip Orem (29:03):

They left out the proven technique to help you through stressful times, talk with God about your stress and your concerns, ask Him for His help and guidance. You know He’s going to listen, you know that He’s so concerned about you, that for sure He’s going to help you because well, He Has a plan for you and you’re part of His overall plan. Study your Bible, it’s the perfect life guidebook. Everybody, you all know that there is a reason that faith is element number one in the Web Radio Today, disease fighting and fitness model. With faith in God, you don’t need to worry about things that you can’t control, God has your back, everybody. And He Has a plan for you. Enjoy the relief of knowing everything’s in God’s hands and you know how it all ends. And Jesus is your gateway to God. He died so that you could have eternal life.

Skip Orem (30:45):

If you haven’t done so yet find Jesus because He’s waiting specifically for you. He doesn’t care about your past, He wants to forgive you for the bad things that you may have done, and you’re not going to shock Jesus, He’s seen it all. I’m asking you if you haven’t found Jesus yet, you want to find Him, walk into any church, tell the first person you see, tell them that you’re looking for Jesus. They’re going to stop immediately what they’re doing, you will have put a smile on their face and they will help you take the first steps to find Jesus. And you probably will have right there made a friend for life. God bless you, everybody. And I’ll talk with you next week for the Web Radio Today podcast. I’m Skip Orem. Bye everybody.


Episode 13, July 24 2020