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Burst 5.1  05.15.20

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AUDIO BURST 5.1 May 15 2020

by Skip Orem | Web Radio Today

From Episode 5, Skip Orem talks about how his faith helped him in dealing with prostate cancer


Audio burst transcripts are very rough computer generated written versions of the audio. 

5.1. BURST 05.15.20 TRANSCRIPT

0:00 – 0:30 

First though I want to talk about a couple of Bible verses that helped to inspire me during my cancer experience and I thought you might enjoy thinking about therm. The first verse comes from Genesis Chapter Five verse 20. This verse. It spoke to me because it was  actually very    

0:30 – 1:00 

close to what I really did say to my Cancer. Quoting the verse. Now Genesis fifty verse twenty.. You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what’s now being done. The saving of many lives. Yep that’s what I feel about this cancer that came into my life 

1:00 – 1:30 

tried to take me out. It was trying to kill me but but God intended it for good to accomplish what’s now being done? It brought me so much closer to Jesus in my faith and it inspired me to do this podcast and while this podcast it may not save many lives. If it can save one life if it can prevent one person from getting a serious disease 

1:30 – 2:00

if it can help one person fight a disease which  has invaded their body and the most important thing of all… if this cancer that attacked me earlier this year tried to kill me, if that whole experience if it can bring one more person to Christ 

well thank you prostate cancer. When I WAS first diagnosed it was 

2:00 – 2:30 

it was so hard for me to fall asleep at night first of all because I couldn’t stop thinking about my situation I couldn’t stop trying to figure out ways to get through it, but here’s another thing that really bothered me. I knew as I was going to sleep that my dream life. The things that happened in my dreams would be normal again. Then what would happen?   I wake up the next morning. In total shock as

2:30 – 3:00

my mind was thrown back into into my real life situation and it was hard to go to sleep because I didn’t want to deal with that shock brand new every morning.  You know hat comforted me each night? What allowed me to put my worries aside fall asleep one of the most comforting things for me

3:00 – 3:30

during all the uncertainty, the fear after being diagnosed with cancer was to fall asleep knowing that it was in God’s hands and everybody this well known Bible verse, t  his often repeated Bible verse. This verse gave me so much comfort 

3:30 – 3:53

Even though I walk through the Darkest Valley I will fear. No Evil for you are with me. Your Rod and your staff. They comfort me. Psalms Chapter Twenty three verse four says those words.