ANCHOR POINTE, The Faith and Fitness Podcast

Faith, Diet, Exercise, Attitude, Positive Imagery, Music and Research


TRANSCRIPT Research Equals Knowledge Equals Good Healt


This is the XBHS Radio Network.

Skip Orem:

From the Nashville Studios of the XBHS Radio Network, I’m Skip Orem and this is The Anchor Pointe Podcast. Hi everybody, and welcome to this end of March 2023 episode of The Anchor Pointe Podcast. Anchor Pointe, the Faith and Fitness podcast for us older folks in our 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. We are all working together here, combining our faith and our fitness to help us live long, happy, and healthy lives. And we do that by working hard at the seven elements of The Anchor Pointe, disease, fighting and fitness model.

 Those seven elements; faith, diet, exercise, attitude, positive imagery, music and research. And it is that element of research, we’ll be focusing on today’s episode. I’m recording the podcast today from the XBHS Radio Printers Alley Studios here in Nashville, Tennessee, and thank you so much everybody for pushing the play button on this March 31, 2023 episode of The Anchor Pointe Podcast.

 Let’s start today’s episode like we do almost every episode of Anchor Pointe, with medical news for seniors. You all know this, us older adults, we are disproportionately affected by chronic conditions and diseases, heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, bone and joint issues, diabetes, the list just goes on and on. Nearly 80% of older adults have at least one of these conditions, lots of folks have two or more.

 On top of all that, falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among us baby boomers. And that fear of falling some of us have, sometimes that fear of falling will cause people to limit their activities, which can actually result in more falls. Research has shown it’s a mistake to stay away from physical activity because of the fear of falling. Not being active, because of a fear of falling, well, that can lead to further physical decline, depression, social isolation, and more falls.

 It’s just so important that us seniors, so important that we prepare to do battle with these chronic conditions, with falls and these diseases out there just gunning for us older folks. We need to stay active. According to the physical activity guidelines for Americans, older adults should do two types of physical activity to improve their health, aerobic or heart rate training and muscle strengthening. These guidelines recommend older adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week and then muscle strengthening activities on two or more days per week.

 So today’s medical news headline, physical activity, exercise, combined with watching your diet, a strong faith, a positive attitude, practicing relaxation and positive imagery techniques, music and research. Those things, which just happened to be the seven elements of The Anchor Pointe disease fighting and fitness model are your prescription for a long, happy and healthy life.

Those statistics about the health problems us older folks face, a little depressing, but I think we should look at those statistics as a call to action, a call to fight back against the downside of aging. That’s why I created this podcast. It’s why I developed The Anchor Pointe disease fighting and fitness model, and on today’s episode, we’re going to feature the research element of The Anchor Pointe disease fighting and fitness model. I originally called the research element the knowledge element, but I changed it to research because research is more of an active description of what the element is all about and we’ll talk about research in your good health later in today’s episode.

 First though, I want to thank all of you who sent emails about last week’s advanced heart rate training workout. Many of you enjoy doing the workout and some of you’ve even done it several times already.

Several folks commented on the difficulty of the workout and the fact that it may be something they’ll need to work up to over time and others just felt it was probably too difficult for them to do. All of those responses are great and it is after all, an advanced workout. We do have a basic heart rate training workout available, which is not as difficult as last week’s workout episode while still giving you a very effective heart rate training session.

 Both of those workouts are available to use anytime you want, free at website located on the Audioburst page under the exercise category. Our Audioburst page continues to add good audio information excerpted from these podcasts, which you can then listen to anytime you want. Also, if you haven’t yet subscribe to The Anchor Pointe Podcast, you can subscribe right there from website or you can subscribe from wherever you get your podcasts.

The Anchor Pointe Podcast, we’re on all of the major podcast platforms. Subscribing to The Anchor Pointe makes certain that you get each and every episode dropped into your podcast feed as soon as it’s released. We release most of our Anchor Pointe podcasts on Friday. And by the way, because of the Easter and spring holidays coming up, there will be no Anchor Pointe podcast for the next two Fridays. The next new episode of Anchor Pointe will be released on Friday, April 21, three weeks from today.

 And that episode will feature more slants and rants. I received such a positive response about the slants and rants episode from earlier this month that I thought it might be good to do another episode like that. Anchor Pointes, slants and rants part two, I guess, episode will be the April 21 episode of The Anchor Pointe Podcast. All right, so it’s time now to turn our focus to The Anchor Pointe disease fighting and fitness model element of research.

As I mentioned at the start of the episode, when I originally developed The Anchor Pointe disease fighting and fitness model, I included an element called Knowledge. I wanted us all to know how important it was to have a good understanding of the information available for disease fighting and good health, but there is a more important first step in gaining that knowledge and that’s to know where to get it.

Whether you’ve just been diagnosed with a disease or you just want to learn how to eat healthy and exercise properly, it’s hard to do that on your own and not because there’s any kind of lack of information. The problem is there’s way too much information available to us. A lot of the information available is conflicting and quite frankly, most of it’s just plain bogus information.

 And as it pertains to diet and exercise, I like to think that The Anchor Pointe is a pretty good first step in obtaining information, especially as it relates to diet and fitness, but on these weekly podcasts, I’ll just skim the surface and try to lead you to go after more information.

At our age, we’re all baby boomers in our 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond, and next to God and our family, our health is the most important thing to us right now, so vulnerable to life-threatening diseases and just the lack of good health that comes along with old age. As part of our overall wellbeing, we need to keep ourselves informed, especially in the areas of good health, and we get that important information through research.

Of course, the first source of our information is our doctor. I’ve talked about this on earlier episodes of The Anchor Pointe. You need to know what’s going on with your body, inside and out. The person who can help you find out about that is your doctor. Most of us need to be spending time with our doctors, having tests, and at the very least, seeing them every six months and more frequently if we’re sick or have an illness or a disease.

Research involves making the most of your time with your doctor. I always think through the visit in advance, prepare my list of written questions. The doctors and our healthcare professionals, they’re the most reliable and the first source of medical information. If you don’t feel comfortable with your doctor, if you feel they’re annoyed by all the questions you ask, either talk with them about it or change doctors. If you have trouble hearing your doctors or if you think they talk too fast, ask them to speak up or slow down or bring someone with you who can help you hear, help you understand and help you remember what the doctor is saying.

 I’m a very annoying old person. I don’t hear well. Even with hearing aids, I don’t hear well and I have trouble remembering things, especially in compressed situations like a doctor’s visit. I take my wife along on all important doctor’s appointments and between the two of us, we’re pretty effective at getting the information we want and the information we need. No doctor has fired us yet as patients. I’ve changed doctors before when I either lost confidence in them or they just didn’t seem to care.

 Of all the health research you do, the most important is the information you get from your doctors and healthcare workers. Plan your visit, prepare questions in advance. I was first diagnosed with cancer, in addition to being scared to death, I didn’t know what to do. I was fortunate enough because my doctors were just awesome and provided me with so much important information, suggested places to go to find additional information.

 Like most cancer patients, I had some difficult decisions to make about how I wanted to proceed with my treatment. I needed information and I learned from personal experience that the web, Google, I’ll tell you this with Google, if you weren’t already scared about your diagnosis, Googling it will scare you more for sure. But I did my research, I asked my doctors for help, and I found the few sites where I could find credible information. And then with recommendations from my doctors and friends and other cancer survivors, I was able to find outstanding books that were just invaluable to me.

You can’t depend on your doctor as your only source of information. They’ll give you good information, but there is no way they can have the time to answer all the questions you’re going to come up with. Everybody, you don’t have a total fitness plan unless it includes research about your health and fitness. And congratulations everybody, because you’re ahead of the game already because you know how to find, acquire, and listen to a podcast. That’s pretty amazing for folks, as old as we are.

If you are listening to The Anchor Pointe Podcast, you know how to research, find, and learn and use stuff. And I’m here try to help with this podcast, but that’s not enough. I can help you get started, but you need to do the important work. On the podcast and transcript page for this episode, I’ve added links to tried and true and tested good health and fitness information websites, where you can get credible information about diseases, health and fitness.

These sites are where I started when researching health related information on the web. I recommend every one of them, and there’s no paywall on these sites or anything where they charge you for information. I’ve also listed four books that I highly recommend and they are also there on the podcast and transcript page for this episode. All of that information is not going to be available today, but it will be there on the transcript page for this episode in just a few days.

 The podcast and transcript page is accessed by going to website and then clicking on the podcast and transcript page. And remember, we spell Anchor Pointe with an E, so the website address is

Time now on The Anchor Pointe Podcast to talk about losing a different kind of weight. Time to get rid of some of the excess baggage a lot of us carry around, baggage that can actually make it more difficult to have faith, to let Jesus into our lives, to live a Christian life. Maybe you’re thinking, I’ve done things so terrible in my life, there is no way Jesus will welcome me. No way I can give my life to Jesus now.

Perhaps you’ve hurt someone in a terrible way and now they’re gone and there’s no way you can make it right. Maybe you were not there when someone needed you so bad, you ignored their pleas for help. Perhaps you’ve done other just terrible things, bad things, things you feel were so bad they can never be forgiven. You’re worried because you’ve been sinning without remorse for just so long. You’re thinking you’re not worth it. No way Jesus is going to forgive you. Not true Jesus’ arms are open to you. Jesus died so that you could be forgiven of all your sins. Everybody listen to this.

You can be refreshed. Your sins of the past and of the future are forgiven if you only believe in Jesus. In 1 John 1:9, that’s the Bible. It says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” And then Psalm 101 10:14 says this, “He hasn’t punished us as we deserve for our sins, for his mercy, for those who fear and honor him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.” Believe in him, everybody, and you’ll be forgiven.

Matthew 6:14, “If you forgive others, their sins, your heavenly Father will forgive you.” Please, everybody accept the grace out there for the taking. I know we sometimes feel we can’t even forgive ourselves for what we’ve done. And if we can’t forgive ourselves, how can we expect forgiveness from Jesus? Jesus, he died that terrible death on the cross. He hung up there to take our burdens away from us. This is fact, everybody. Ask Jesus for forgiveness and he will forgive you.

 Think about those wonderful gifts that are yours for the taking; forgiveness and eternal life. Is it your time to hit the refresh button? Jesus’ arms are open. Run to him and accept the warmth of his love. It’s there for you, if you only believe. Just think of all the excess weight, the baggage, it can be lifted away from you. You don’t need to carry it around anymore. Jesus will take it away if you only believe. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The olds passed away. Behold, the new has come. The Bible confirms that. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that.

 Remember everybody, no Anchor Pointe episode the next two weeks. I’ll talk with you all again on Friday, April 21. For now though, for the XBHS Radio Network and for The Anchor Pointe Podcast from Nashville, I’m Skip Orem. Bye everybody.


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